Drug Tests and Delta 8

We know. You love the Delta 8 high. We do too. Whether it's destressing from the work week on the couch with the dog, or getting in the right head space for the chores you've been ignoring, Delta 8 is the perfect product for making the day-to-day more enjoyable.However, it's crucial to be aware of how Delta 8 drug test may affect.

What's not to love?

The beauty of Delta 8 lies in the versatility. Not only are there an abundance of vessels like edibles, vapes, physical flower, or beverages, but the variety of flavors is an endless list. This variety has resulted in users being able to truly control their experience. Traditional marijuana (Delta 9) can be hard to gauge, with experience being the biggest factor. You don't have to be an expert to enjoy Delta 8, you can hop on and off the wagon and experience little to no variance in your experience.Not everyone is a fan though (looking at you Texas), as many people still require drug tests for their jobs. Will Delta 8 cause you fail a drug test?

The Farm Bill

Thanks to the Farm Bill in 2018, products containing Delta 8 THC can be sold in in head shops or dispensaries in almost every state, and shipped from a long list of online retailers. People are able to purchase and consume the close relative to Delta 9 (traditional weed), enjoy similar effects, and not have to worry about what decade their state will eventually approve recreational use. Or perhaps they can finally take the edge off their day without melting themselves into their couch. Thanks to the Farm Bill, the taboo's been lifted off Delta 8.

What if I'm regularly delta 8 drug test?

But is this newfound freedom able to be enjoyed if you're regularly drug tested? Can you eat a couple Delta 8 gummies before starting Avatar for the 10th time this year if Billy from HR just made you aware of the random drug test tomorrow morning? It would make sense for a federally legal product to pose no risk to your job, right?

Not worth the Risk delta 8 drug test

Both Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC qualify as cannabinoids, meaning they're both digested through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Once you boil down the science, you realize Delta 8 can interfere with the detection of Delta 9 in a drug test and lead to a false positive for THC. Unfortunately, if you have a drug test approaching, despite your highest hopes, we would not recommend continuing the use of Delta 8 products.Written by Diet Smoke Staff WritersThe staff writers for Diet Smoke have been researching and writing about premium hemp-derived THC and CBD products for more than 3 years. The team has a keen understanding of the topic, remain current on all FDA and industry news, and use their expertise to generate engaging and informative content to help educate consumers on Diet Smoke's products. Each article is fact-checked and includes sources to scientific data to ensure readers receive the most up-to-date and accurate information possible.Find out more about Diet Smoke, our history and our commitment to creating the highest quality products.Reviewed By Colby WohllebColby Wohlleb, editor of Diet Smoke, reviews and approves all content before releasing it for posting on the Diet Smoke website. As a tireless advocate for the benefits of premium hemp-derived THC and CBD products, Colby ensures that all content is accurate, engaging, and informative. He also works directly with a trusted source to ensure the purity of the products we sell and performs rigorous lab testing to ensure that Diet Smoke's products are of the highest quality and safety standards.